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apple sauce 1.蘋果醬。2.不誠懇的奉承。3.胡說。


He seized a tureen of hot apple sauce the first thing that came under his gripe and dashed it full against the speaker s face and neck ; who instantly commenced a lament that brought isabella and catherine hurrying to the place 他抓起一盆熱蘋果醬,這是他順手抓到的頭一件東西,把它整個向說話的人的臉上和脖子上潑去。那個人立刻哭喊起來,伊莎貝拉和凱瑟琳都連忙跑到這邊兒來。

He seized a tureen of hot apple sauce ( the first thing that came under his gripe ) and dashed it full against the speaker ' s face and neck ; who instantly commenced a lament that brought isabella and catherine hurrying to the place 他端起一碗燙蘋果醬(這是他抓起來的第一件東西) ,用力砸向說話人的臉上;隨即(林頓少爺)的哀嚎把伊莎貝拉和凱瑟琳引了過來。

As granndma made frank a delicious lunch of squash pan cakes and home made apple sauce , she told him the story about the swam of bees 奶奶給他做了一頓香噴噴的午飯,有南瓜餅,有自制的蘋果醬,她還把蜜蜂的故事告訴了法蘭克。

As grandma made frank a delicious lunch of squash pan cakes and home made apple sauce , she told him the story about the swarm of bees 奶奶給他做了一頓香噴噴的午飯,有南瓜餅,有自制的蘋果醬,她還把蜜蜂的故事告訴了法蘭克。

Roast turkey with apple sauce 蘋果汁烤火雞

Roast pork is often served with apple sauce 通常烤肉和蘋果湯一起上。